Making Obsolete. Intermittent Self Catheterization
Urology and Neuro-urology
The AnteCath is a new bladder draining device, to replace clean intermittent self-catheterization (CISC) or indwelling catheterization (IC), allowing the neurogenic or obstructive chronic urinary retention patients complete control of their urinary drainage. The AnteCath is an external magnet activated stent-like device for enabling male patients, with neurogenic or obstructive urinary retention to avoid the 4-7 daily self-catheterizations, by one insertion every few weeks or months for draining their bladders in an almost physiologic manner.
From each 1 million persons in the world, each year about 40 become spinal cord injured, mainly as a result of falling or trafic accidents. According the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (Birmingham, Alabama, US) there are approximately 270,000 spine injury patients in the US and that 12,000 persons are added each year. To these we can add people with chronic bladder outlet obstruction or diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's which can affect the nerves innervating the bladder and the urinary sphincters and prevent normal emptying of their bladder. Such patients have limited options for draining their bladders. Most of these patients use clean intermittent self-catheterization (CISC) or an indwelling catheter for emptying their bladder. Spine injury patients, who are mostly wheel-chair users, have to insert a catheter either by themselves or by their partners or helpers 3-6 times a day/100-180 times per month.
It is well known that because of the length and anatomy of the male urethra either indwelling catheters or CISC can cause injury to the urethra or the bladder and also cause can chronic urinary tract infections.
Because of the lack of a better alternative and in order to prevent renal function deterioration (which was the leading cause of death in spinal cord injury patients), they continue using either CISC or IC. However, urinary tract infections and related septicemia (urosepsis) is still a leading reason for the death of these patients. The main reasons for CISC caused urinary tract infections are poor and traumatic catheterization technique, inadequate frequency or incomplete bladder emptying and inadequate fluid intake.
The current design of the AnteCath is intended to replace CISC in men who often have problems inserting a catheter safely several times a day for emptying their bladder due to length and anatomy of the urethra or all the inconveniences of IC.
One insertion every few weeks / months
No repeated catheter insertions
Simple activation
No traumatic injuries
Minimal infectious complications
Completely discrete
Can be combined with external urine collectors
Class IIb device(1 month indwelling)
R&D status:
Prototypes of two versions were produced and bench-tested
Biofilm repelling version in planning phase
IP status:
Urine flow system and method of use. PCT IL 16/050531. International Application Date, May 16, 2016
Business opportunity:
The projected global market for intermittent catheters will grow from 1.542M in 2013 to 2.426M in 2019 (CAGR 2-14-2019) 6.7
Since the AnteCath is intended to take the place of CISC, this number can be applied also to the the AnteCath.